
Your Employees can Consult With TelaConsult Today!

No Copay, No Insurance, Unlimited Visits

Imagine better healthcare for your team.

Great care doesn’t need a middleman.

The simple truth is that telemedicine works and reduces cost.

Speaking directly to a doctor gives peace of mind to a worried person, and may avoid a costly trip to a clinic. How many weekend trips to an emergency room weren’t necessary?  We listen. Then we help. We assist directly, write a prescription if needed, and educate. If a trip to the doctor is needed, we will tell them which level of care is appropriate: regular doctor, an
urgent care, or the emergency room.

And the patient never reaches for their credit card, or insurance information. We keep it simple.  We treat your team like we treat the patients in our home community.

Get to know us. We are small enough to care, while using big software to get the job done. The giant telemedicine companies never build a relationship with business owners, or employers. If a patient calls them 10 times, they will get 10 different doctors. 

Chances are your healthcare broker has never spoken to anyone in management at TelaDoc or MDLive.  We’re different. We work directly with you, and your healthcare broker. You can call us. Your team will love us!

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